
Chairman's Message
Chairman's Message

Development of New Quality Productive Forces Offers Hong Kong New Advantages

All sectors of Hong Kong must leverage the opportunities arising from the country’s strategy to develop new quality productive forces, consolidate Hong Kong’s “eight centers” positioning, and further enhance internationalization, so that Hong Kong can continue to thrive in the new era.


Hong Kong plays a significant role in the transformation of the country, it should leverage its strengths and proactively seek to take part in the country’s development, while continuing to bolster its global network and serve as the springboard for the country to connect with the rest of the world.


We earnestly hope that the HKSAR government will put a stop to all violence with measures pursuant to the law and restore social order, so that business will be able to operate in a stable environment, only in which will the support measures be truly effective.


As long as Hong Kong and Shenzhen cooperate fully on policies, they should be able to play a key leading role in advancing the development of the Greater Bay Area.


I firmly believe that when all sectors of society are united – especially when we return to peaceful, rational dialogs on the social issue facing us, we will be able to find a way out and usher Hong Kong into a better future.


We are eager to see the Government come up with a policy blueprint in the new Policy Address to foster the long-term, stable development of Hong Kong.


CGCC will continue to support the Chief Executive and the HKSAR Government in its governance pursuant to the law. We will also continue to act as a bridge to contribute to the sustainable development of Hong Kong and ‘progress together’ with the country.


Chairman Wang Yang believed that the trade friction inevitably has an impact on economic and trade investment flows, but it will also help drive innovation and economic transformation in China.


With concerted effort, we can enhance global awareness for the Greater Bay Area and engage more overseas economic and trade partners in its development.


With its multiple strengths, the Greater Bay Area can serve as an important hinterland to support Hong Kong in its bid to break through development bottlenecks, create entrepreneurial and employment opportunities for young talents, and drive Hong Kong’s continuous economic and livelihood development.


The construction of the Greater Bay Area is the country’s key strategy for reform and opening up in the new era. It is also a new endeavour for regional cooperation in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. As such, innovative thinking is required to achieve strong alliance of the Greater Bay Area urban clusters.