
2022 December
A New Direction: Invigorating the Country Through Science and Education

Youth education was one of the highlights in the new Policy Address, which proposed a new education direction to invigorate the country through science and education. This marks a new milestone for the development of Hong Kong’s education in the new era.


Invigorating the country through science and education is an all new development strategy put forward by Chairman Xi in his Report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Christine Choi, Secretary for Education, said that as Hong Kong is improving its competitiveness, this policy fits what is needed in the local education. “The new generation of Hong Kong youths could only be cultivated with virtues and talents if we do well in innovation and technology, teachers’ professionalism, fostering youth development and national education.”


Introducing STEAM and strengthening teachers’ professional conduct

Innovation and technology form the critical engine to propel the future development of Hong Kong’s economy, and they require the collaboration of a large pool of talents. Choi reckoned that introducing STEAM education to Hong Kong would help achieve this goal. “STEAM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics. It refers to a cross-disciplinary pedagogy that emphasizes the flexible application of knowledge. It is very helpful to develop innovation and technology elites for the future.”


Choi pointed out that teachers must uphold their professional conduct and protect the wellbeing of their students, so that they would not disappoint the expectations of parents and our society. The government will issue a new set of professional ethics for teachers, clearly illustrating the desired behaviors of the teaching role. Beginning from the next school year, the requirement to pass the Basic Law and National Security Law Test would also extend to direct subsidy scheme schools and kindergartens taking part in the Kindergarten Education Scheme. Teachers must pass the said test before they are employed or promoted.


Nurturing youths by perfecting national education

Under the “14th Five Year” Plan, Hong Kong will develop in eight key areas and provide more opportunities for its youths. Choi believed that Hong Kong will require large number of specialists across different areas. The government encourages young people to choose to pursue further studies or make career decisions based on their interests. Vocational and professional education and training will be promoted through the strategy of fostering industryinstitution collaboration and diversified development. More opportunities for tertiary education will be made available for students, in hopes that the ratio of higher education could be raised to 80%.


Choi stressed that the government will continue to perfect the national education system, optimize the teaching of the Constitution and the Basic Law , and encourage schools to incorporate elements of national history and geography in their curricula. All schools funded with public money must appoint a coordinator to guide in the plans for rolling out national and national security education. Students are expected to take part in at least one visit to the Mainland during their primary and secondary school years. More than half of tertiary students are expected to gain learning experiences in the Mainland or overseas.


Under “One Country, Two Systems”, the Basic Law ensures the unique status of Hong Kong’s education system and protects its room for development. Choi emphasized that Hong Kong should ride on this competitive advantage and nurture a fine young generation to pass on the torch of “One Country, Two Systems” in the future.